"Loot" is a collection of drawings of fantasy items that I designed everyday during Inktober of 2016.
Inktober No. 1, Ashes of a Thieves' Hand - For inktober I'm going to draw an item you might find in an adventurer's bag every day. Day 1 is the ashes of a thieves hand, these ashes can be used to temporarily increase one's skills.
Inktober No. 2, Awakening Brew - a magical potion that can be used to bring a deceased comrade back to life.
Inktober No. 3, Crystalline Cutlass - a blade magically forged with crystals.
Inktober No. 4, Jar of Souls - a jar of souls has several known, and several more unknown uses. The souls can guide an adventurer on her path, be used to barter with demons and other malevolent creatures, or provide an adventurer with direct contact to spirit entities.
Inktober No. 5, Reliquary Skull - The jewel encrusted remains of unknown royalty.
Inktober No. 6, Death Rattle - this item can be used to control undead creatures, the rattle must be shaken continuously to keep control of the creatures.
Inktober No. 7, Grilled Newt Tail - +60 health.
Inktober No. 8, Stone Eyes - stone eyes allow a magician to see strings of fate connecting individuals, moving backward, and forward through time. The eyes must be painted with the blood of a willing seer.
Inktober No. 9, Reliquary Hand of Vericles - a jewel encrusted, metal vessel containing the finger bone of a demigod.
Inktober No. 10, Autumn's Dagger - A leaf shaped blade that inflicts extra damage on enemies with light armor.
Inktober No. 11, Calling Candle - When lit, a calling candle draws in any earthbound spirits in a select area to itself, and forces them to make their presence known.
Inktober No. 12, Necromancer's Staff - The preserved hand attached to the staff is what gives it it's power over the dead.
Inktober No. 13, Grave Digger's Spade - The metals, wood, and gems used to create the spade ward against spirits and undead, it's also augmented with a solution for warding that hangs on the spades' handle.
Inktober No. 14, Novice's Short Sword
Inktober No. 15, Stallion Long Sword - This blade, named after the horse jaws that create it's hilt, is an iconic weapon passed down through generations of bandits and thieves.
Inktober No. 16, Cryptic Spell Book - A nearly indecipherable tome.
Inktober No. 17, Primitive Protection Beads - These rare beads use power that has been long since forgotten by modern man.
Inktober No. 18, Orcish Combat Knives - At first look, Orcish weapons appear to be rudimentary in construction and craftsmanship. But they are well known for the unprecedented amount of damage they can deal to enemies and their weapons.
Inktober No. 19, Battlemage Gauntlets - These heavily augmented gauntlets allow a battlemage to cast spells without the need for books or other cumbersome items. The rings, stones, scrolls,wands, and other items fixed to the gauntlets give battlemages all the power they need at the tip of their fingers.
Inktober No. 20, BombInktober No. 21, Seaworthy Armor - An armor set crafted with the most durable oceanic supplies.
Inktober No. 21, Seaworthy Armor - An armor set crafted with the most durable oceanic supplies.
Inktober No. 22, Novice Magician's Wand - A basic wand, free of enchantments and elemental augmentations. It is a sturdy, reliable, and modest weapon for the beginning magician.
Inktober No. 23, Master's Unicorn Wand - A wand for advanced magic users. This wand is fixed with the tip of a unicorn horn, which is what it draws it's magic from.
Inktober No. 24, Fiery Strength Potion - One of the main ingredients in this strong brew is dragon's blood, which invigorates the body and gives the brew a fiery kick.
Inktober No. 25, Sigil Stones - These ancient stones bear powerful symbols which can bring power, wealth, conquest, or even love to the user.
Inktober No. 26, Magister Mysterium Robes - A set of enchanted robes worn by the Magister Mysterium, or Master of Mysteries, the most powerful and knowledgeable magician of his age.
Inktober No. 27, Magister Mysterium Ring - It's said that the Magister Mysterium whispered his knowledge and secrets into this enchanted ring, and that the wearer has the ability to know it all. Some believe that the Magister himself may even inhabit the ring.
Inktober No. 28, Sea God's Longsword
Inktober No. 29, Serpentine Arrow Rifle - This long range weapon has the capability to transform the battlefield with its quick firing capabilities.
Inktober No. 30, Novice Magician's Robes - A set of basic light armor for the initiate into the mystery schools.
Inktober No. 31, Cockatrice Venom - The petrifying venom of a cockatrice, it can be used to poison enemies, as an ingredient in a gas bomb, or to augment a weapon to have a petrifying effect on enemies.